Join us at a Board Meeting

Board meetings are open to the public and we welcome public comment and feedback from the communities we serve

The Developmental Pathways Board of Directors meets quarterly. Board meetings are held in person with a virtual option. Agendas are posted 7-10 days in advance of the meeting.
Unless otherwise noted, all Board meetings are held at:
14280 E. Jewell Ave., Suite A, Aurora, CO 80012
Members of our community are always invited to watch our Board meetings.
To view our Board meetings, visit our Agendas & Minutes page.

When giving public comment, things to keep in mind

  • We have up to 15 minutes scheduled for public comment at each meeting.
  • The Board may choose to extend this limit if more time is available.
  • Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes to ensure all are heard.
  • Public comment will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.

There are several ways to give public comment


Written comments will be included in the Board packet in advance of the meeting. Comments are due 8 days before the meeting so they can be distributed and reviewed by all members. There is no limit on the number of written comments you may submit. If you wish to submit written comments, please click here.

In-Person and Virtual:

We are thrilled you want to address our Board!
Please register here

Public comment is limited to 5 speakers per meeting and each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Please provide us with a general topic or area of concern/ interest if you can. Our goal is to make sure we have the right staff available to follow up after your comments. If you need any accommodations to participate, please make sure you request those 3 business days in advance of the Board meeting. Please submit requests to deliver public comment at least 24 hours before the meeting.

Tips for public comment

  • Your voice and feedback are important! 
  • Public comment is usually most effective when you address a single topic.  Since time is limited, this will help the board focus on the issue that is most important to you right now.
  • Remember this is a public meeting, so please do not discuss confidential issues, such as private client information that is not yours to share including names and private health information.
  • Board members will not interrupt you during your 3 minutes and a timekeeper will help you track your time.
  • At the end of your 3 minutes, the board president will acknowledge our appreciation for your time and reflections.
  • Generally speaking, there will not be further discussion unless the Board President permits it and/or the topic of the comment is on the agenda.  If that is the case, Board members or staff may clarify or address the comment during that portion of the agenda.