Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

For families enrolled in Early Intervention, you can find information on the EI team here.

For individuals and families enrolled in any other programming, you can contact our main office for help identifying your assigned case manager.

Our reception line is 303-360-6600. We are currently working on an online resource. 

A waitlist is a backlog of eligible individuals waiting to enroll in a program because funding is unavailable to authorize immediate enrollment. 

Currently, the only Colorado waiver with a waitlist is the HCBS-DD waiver.   

You can find more information here on our website on our Waitlist Information page.

Waiting list protocols are outlined in the Code of Colorado Regulations 10 CCR-2505-10 8.500 under each waiver program.  

Steps will differ by age group:

For babies and toddlers ages 0-2 you may place a referral directly with Early Intervention Colorado or by contacting our Early Intervention team:

For individuals ages 3 and up, please contact our long-term care intake team: 

Our programs are funded through federal, state, and local resources, including Mill Levy and private philanthropy. 

Much of our funding is from contracts with our core funders, which direct our daily work and how the funds are used.  

While Developmental Pathways is not a governmental organization, we work closely with various Colorado state agencies to ensure our community receives core support.

No, these dollars stay with the government. Developmental Pathways does not receive Medicaid funds for direct services and does not keep leftover plan funds.  

This is also true of state-funded programs: any unspent dollars for administering these programs is returned to the state. 

Case management and service coordination are interdisciplinary processes that assess, plan, implement, coordinate, monitor, and evaluate supports to improve outcomes for individuals 
and families. 

DP is committed to building an equitable and inclusive community while advancing a culture of shared purpose and belonging. We regularly engage staff in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) work through planned conversations and training.

The Code of Colorado Regulations (CCR) is available online.  

  • Visit:
  • Click on “Browse” to search for rules by office
  • For rules related to Medicaid Waivers, select 1305: Health Care Policy and Financing
  • From there, select Volume 2505 For Medical Services Board (Volume 8) 
  • Then navigate to the appropriate rule section such as 8.500 for all waiver rules and 8.600 for rules specific to CCBs. 

You can also try these links to jump straight to:

Each team member here at Developmental Pathways provides their supervisory contact information in their email signatures. We strongly encourage individuals and families to contact supervisors. DP relies on a collaborative case management model to support staff and we will be able to help you get your needs met more efficiently if you tell a supervisor that something is wrong.  

You can learn more about how to share feedback and concerns  at

Programs & Services

The process for choosing providers is person-centered and determined by the individual.  

If you reach out to your case manager, they can assist you in multiple ways, including:

  • Providing a list of providers for the individual to select from; 
  • Using the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) “Find a Doctor” tool to search for providers;
  • Selecting several providers and then contacting them to determine if they can meet the individual’s needs;
  • A combination of any of the above.

Case managers can assist in choosing providers if the individual asks the case manager to make the choice for him or her. Case managers shall ask the individual about his or her preferences for a provider agency and make every effort to choose an agency that matches the preferences.  

Our website was recently redesigned. You can find pages dedicated to our local programming here.

You can also read about our local programming in more detail in our Annual and Mill Levy reports; see our FY22 Report

The Emergency Enrollment Request (EER) process is specific to the HCBS-DD waiver, which is currently the only waiver in Colorado with a waitlist. 

Generally speaking, HCBS-DD enrollments are authorized by the order of selection (OOS) date (otherwise known as an individual’s eligibility date for the I/DD adult waivers).  

The EER process allows individuals to be enrolled out of date order based on an “emergency situation where the health and safety of the person or others is endangered, and the emergency cannot be resolved in another way.”  

The criteria for these exceptions is outlined in 10 CCR-2505-10 8.500.7.F and includes:

  1. Homelessness
  2. Abuse/neglect
  3. Danger to others
  4. Danger to self
  5. Loss or incapacitation of primary caregiver

Community Centered Boards (CCBs) and Case Management Agencies (CMAs) do not have authority to authorize EERs; instead, they are required to follow the EER process outlined by the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) to request authorization for an emergency enrollment and must demonstrate that the HCBS-DD waiver, above other support (including other waivers), will meet the emergent needs.  

The following I/DD programs have statewide waitlists, which are managed by the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF), our state Medicaid Agency:

  • Home and Community-Based Services Waiver (HCBS-DD) / Developmental Disabilities Medicaid Waiver (DD)

The following programs may have waitlists within their local communities:

  • State Supported Living Services Program (State-SLS)
  • Family Support Services Program (FSSP)
  • Currently, DP does not have a waitlist for State SLS, but we do have one for FSSP.

Individuals can be on a waitlist while on another waiver or in another program.  

Additionally, individuals can be on multiple waitlists. For instance, an individual can be enrolled in HCBS-SLS and waiting As Soon As Possible (ASAA) for the HCBS-DD waitlist. 

Last, but not least, DP offers a locally-funded program called Community Outreach Waitlist that can provide some support to individuals and families while they are waiting. More information can be found here.

Both our federal partners at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and our state Medicaid agency, the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF), put limitations on waiver services.  

Services may be denied if: 

  • The amount of total services in a plan year exceed the service limits in the waiver or lifetime limits.
  • The amount of total funding in the plan year exceeds any of the spending limits in the waiver.
  • The service is not on the approved list of services for the waiver. An example of this is that Movement Therapy is not currently covered under the HCBS-DD waiver but is offered in HCBS-SLS and HCBS-CES. 
  • The scope of the intended support does not meet the intended purpose of the waiver service as defined by HCPF. An example of this is that Parent Education on the CES waiver cannot fund a broader course, it needs to be specifically related to the child’s developmental disability.
  • The support is specifically listed as one of the exclusions for that waiver service. An example of this is that both computers and service animals are specifically excluded under Assistive Technology. Another example of this is that an individual eleven (11) years of age and younger cannot receive respite during the time the parent works, pursues continuing education, or volunteers, because this is a typical expense for all parents of young children. 

Whenever services are denied, you have the right to appeal through Medicaid (if you are enrolled in an HCBS waiver) or the right to submit a grievance (for state-funded programming). Each year, your case manager should be sharing information on how to appeal denials and can help you navigate the denial process.  Click here for more information on Medicaid Appeal Rights.

Children qualify to receive EI services if they have a significant delay of 25% or more in two or more areas of development or a 33% or more delay in one or more areas of development.  
Children also qualify for EI Colorado services if they are diagnosed with a condition that will likely cause a significant delay in development or if they live with a parent who has a developmental disability.  
Find more information here

The Community Outreach Waitlist Services Program (CO WL) is a unique program created by Developmental Pathways to assist individuals with developmental disabilities/delays and their families who are waiting for state or federally funded services.  

Supports include access to an assigned Coordinator, connection to resources, and support with accessing limited financial assistance through Unmet Needs programming*.  

This program is intended to be a short-term support while individuals work to access other more robust programming.  

*Please note access to funding is limited and not guaranteed.   

Individuals wanting to access the CO WL Program need to go through eligibility determination through the Developmental Pathways Intake Team ( or 303-858-2260). 

Once determined eligible and placed on a waitlist, individuals are auto-enrolled into the CO WL Program with the exception of children exiting the Early Intervention Program who need to fill out a quick form to indicate interest in continued supports through the CO WL Program. For questions about the CO WL Program contact us at:

Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) Assessment Tool

The Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) is a standardized assessment tool developed and supported by the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD). Colorado currently uses the Adult version (SIS-A) to determine SIS Support Levels and associated funding levels for both the HCBS-SLS and HCBS-DD waivers. This assessment gathers information from a semi-structured interview of respondents who know the individual well. It is designed to identify and measure the practical support requirements of adults with developmental disabilities. 

Once the SIS assessment is completed, a support level is determined. A support level is a  
numeric value calculated using an algorithm that places individuals into groups with other individuals who have similar overall support needs.   

The Support Level is used to determine which standardized rate will be reimbursed for services to the person. In addition, the Support Level also determines the Service Plan Authorization Limit (SPAL) in the HCBS-SLS waiver. The SPAL sets the upper payment limit of total funds available to purchase services to meet the person’s needs. 

Additional Resource(s): 

HCPF SIS Disclosure form

The SIS Support Level is determined by a combination of factors including the scoring of multiple sections of the assessment itself and whether individuals meet the criterion for “Extreme Safety Risk to Self” or one of two “Public Safety Risk” factors, which are defined in the Code of Colorado Regulations (CCR). 

The SIS Support Level algorithm and its methodology is outlined in the Code of Colorado Regulations under 10 CCR-2505-10 8.612

Please note: Community Centered Board (CCBs) and Case Management Agencies (CMAs) do not have oversight of these calculations. The Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF), our state Medicaid office, maintains the processes that determine SIS Support Level outcomes.

Generally speaking, the higher the Support Level, the more intense the amount, scope, duration, and frequency of supports are needed to successfully help the person complete typical tasks or to participate in typical activities.

The SIS Support Level algorithm and its methodology is outlined in the Code of Colorado Regulations under 10 CCR-2505-10 8.612

Please note: Community Centered Board (CCBs) and Case Management Agencies (CMAs) do not have oversight of these calculations. The Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF), our state Medicaid office, maintains the processes that determine SIS Support Level outcomes.

There are three separate processes that might apply here:

  1. SIS Complaint Process
    This link provides specific directions on how to file and ask for resolution to a complaint related to the SIS process.
  2. Support Level Review Process
    This link provides specific information on the Support Level Review Process. The Support Level Review Process is to review situations where it is believed that the current SIS Assessment is an accurate reflection of the person’s support needs, however, there are additional support needs that are not captured in the SIS Assessment
  3. The SIS Reassessment Process
    This process is followed when the current SIS Assessment is not an accurate reflection of the individual’s full support needs. There may be different reasons why this occurs. For example:
    • The ongoing support needs are more significant or less significant than those captured in the SIS Assessment
    • The SIS Assessment was not completed accurately

We believe the best course of action is to speak to your case manager and request an IDT (a team meeting) to chat about concerns you have with the SIS so that the team can help determine the best path forward.

Yes. Our state partners’ long-term plan is for the SIS Support Level to be replaced by a combination of a new assessment tool, an updated person-centered support planning process, and the Person-centered Budget Algorithm (PCBA).

Information on that change can be found on HCPF’s website, here:

Unmet Needs/Funding

Unmet Needs programming provides limited funding to support individuals with developmental disabilities or delays residing in Developmental Pathways’ catchment area who have unmet or under-met needs related to their disability or delay.

Individuals in services or parents/caregivers can request funds through your Case Manager/Coordinator.

Please note that access to funding is limited and not guaranteed. To learn more, visit our Individual Unmet Needs & Scholarships page.

To learn about what funding can support, see our Individual Unmet Needs Guidelines.

Our Unmet Needs funding is comprised of local funding, which includes: Mill Levy funds from Arapahoe and Douglas counties, private philanthropy, donations, and grants.

Anyone with a developmental delay or developmental disability residing in Arapahoe County, Douglas County, Elbert County, or the City of Aurora with unmet or under-met needs can access this funding. 

To learn more, visit our Individual Unmet Needs & Scholarships page.

To access Unmet Needs funding your Case Manager/Coordinator will need to submit a request on your behalf.

Please note that funding is limited and never guaranteed. To learn more about the funding process, see our Unmet Needs Funding Roadmap.

To learn about how to access funds, see steps on how to access funding.

After an Unmet Needs request has been reviewed and approved, funds can be paid directly to the provider, or we can sometimes reimburse the individual in services or the parent/guardian directly. Payments are typically made after the service has been completed and prior authorization is strongly advised as funding is limited and not guaranteed.

Upper spend limits are determined by the individual’s current programming, waitlist status, other funding available, urgency, level of need (such as current Most In Need (MIN) Score or SIS support level), intention of support, and other factors.

 For questions, please email us at

For more References/Resources

2022 Mill Levy Report