Case Management Teams

Our Case Management, Systems Navigation, and Program Quality departments focus on providing great customer service while assisting the individuals we serve and their families in meeting their goals and living a meaningful life.

Using a person-centered approach, we strive to empower individuals in services to have input and control of their lives and make safe and informed choices. You’ll see us refer to “supports and services” as the benefits each HCBS waiver provides. What we mean by that is: we’ll connect you to provider agencies who perform services such as therapies or personal care. We’ll also provide support through our case management team as you navigate Medicaid benefits and various paperwork and find the care you or your loved one desires.


Contact your Case Manager or Call 303.360.6600


Call the Intake Line by calling 303-360-6600, press 3, then press 2.

If you are unsure of your Case Manager’s contact information or for all other inquiries, call the main line at 303.360.6600

Case Management Care Team (CMCT)  

Call 303-360-6600, press 3, then press 3

Business Hours:
Monday – Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(Please reach out to your case manager as your first point of contact.)

After Hours: Case Management related *emergencies only

Support Staff

Monday – Thursday: 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Friday – Sunday: 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
After Hours Support Line: 303-360-6600, press 3, then press 1

Developmental Pathways’ after hours support line is meant for Case Management-related *emergencies that cannot wait until the next business day.

*For life-threatening or other emergencies, call 911 or visit the nearest ER. You can also contact Colorado Crisis Services at 1.844.493.8255 or text TALK to 38255 or visit for more information.

Sarah Jacobson

Director of Case Management

Contact Sarah Jacobson

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Woman in black hair smiling

Alyssa Pae

Director of Case Management

Contact Alyssa Pae

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Woman in brown hair smiling

Nicki Polhamus

Director of Case Management

Contact Nicki Polhamus

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Woman in brown hair smiling

Kristin Yoder

Director of Case Management

Contact Kristin Yoder

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