Individual Unmet Needs & Scholarships

All Ages

DP is proud to offer two locally funded programs to support individuals with I/DD and families with accessing a variety of supports across the community. Local funding is comprised of Mill Levy funding from Arapahoe County, Douglas County as well as endowment funds, grants, donations, and other sources.

Unmet / Under-met Needs

Individuals with developmental disabilities or delays often have increased living costs due to expenses to support their day-to-day needs. From extra medical interventions to therapies to home and vehicle adaptations to assistive technology supports—these additional costs can burden individuals and families.

  • Getting help connecting to the I/DD system (testing, pre-enrollment supports, etc.)
  • Supporting greater independence and/or integration in the home or the community
  • Health, safety, and medical needs not otherwise met
  • Helping to avoid out-of-home and/or institutional placements
  • Professional services to address health, safety, medical, or behavior needs not otherwise met
  • Supervision and respite to ensure health, safety, and placement stability

Are you in our Early Intervention program and interested in Unmet Needs funding?


Scholarships are a way to connect individuals with I/DD directly to community providers for identified services. DP builds relationships with providers who serve multiple individuals and creates a process for direct billing that allows DP families to participate in the service at no cost or a significantly reduced rate.

  • Working with over 25 vendors across our region
  • Helping families access:
    • Camps
    • Higher education opportunities
    • Social groups
    • Water safety

For more information about scholarships, please contact

How to Access Funding

To access funding, you need to be living in Developmental Pathways’ catchment area (service area)

Steps on how to access funding

Light blue infographic titled Unmet Needs Funding Roadmap explaining how Unmet Needs Can Support and more
Unmet Needs Funding Roadmap
English | Spanish

Unmet Needs Guidelines