Children with Life Limiting Illness Waiver

Birth - 18 yrs.

Children with Life Limiting Illness Waiver helps children (throughout year 18) with a life-limiting illness. This waiver allows you to seek curative treatment while your child is receiving palliative care.

Visit the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing website for the most current information about the CLLI Waiver.

To qualify, your child..

  1. Is at risk of institutionalization in a hospital setting.
  2. Meets the Social Security Administration definition of disability.
  3. Is 18 years or younger.
  4. Has a life-limiting illness certified by a physician.
  5. Meets financial determination requirements as outlined in the Colorado Code of Regulations and as determined by your local Department of Human Services.

Services & Supports

  • Counseling/Bereavement Services
  • Expressive Therapy
  • Massage Therapy
  • Palliative/Supportive Care
  • Respite Care Services
  • Therapeutic Life Limiting Illness Support

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