A Fresh Take on Respite: A Day as an Artist

Respite, simply put, is a break for the primary caregiver. Respite can be anything from a few hours to a whole week of supervised care for children or adults with developmental disabilities/delays. During this time, caregivers can decompress and recharge in whatever way they choose.

Developmental Pathways’ Community Outreach department has developed various partnerships to provide a variety of affordable respite options for individuals not yet receiving waiver services. Some respite supports we offer include:

  • Monthly Parents’ Night Out
  • Overnight respite camp
  • Care during workshops or educational trainings
  • Community Partnership discounts at: Great Play, Kids Town, Aurora Parks & Rec.
  • One-time special events

DP hosted an Art and Music Respite Day on January 14th  where our Community Outreach and Case Management departments joined together to immerse individuals in different creative ventures.

While 19 individuals ages 8 and up explored their painting and musical talent, their parents enjoyed 3 hours of free respite care. An art instructor from Aurora Central High School led painting activities and two of our own case managers who are passionate about music led participants in activities with a handful of instruments.

Each participant was able to take part in two artistic activities. The first was an original work of art that they completed using pastel paints and took with them to decorate their homes.

Original artwork by participants


The second project involved contributing to a large mural  that is now displayed in the conference rooms at our Aurora Office.

The mural to be placed in the Aurora Office


Throughout the event, instructors and participants were treated to the delightful sounds of guitar, percussion and even the accordion as they worked on honing their skills. Afterwards, many parents expressed  gratitude for a short break from caregiving and a newly acquired piece of art work to display in their home.


Have a respite idea that you’d love to see? Let us know about it! Contact our Community Line at 303-858-2255 or email us at info@dpcolo.org.